Family of Late Kim Sae-ron Demands Apology from Kim Soo-hyun and His Agency

8 hours ago
Family of Late Kim Sae-ron Demands Apology from Kim Soo-hyun and His Agency

The family of the late actress Kim Sae-ron has reiterated their stance through the YouTube channel 가로세로연구소 on March 15, 2025. They are calling for Kim Soo-hyun to acknowledge their past relationship, which reportedly began during their teenage years, and to issue a formal apology. They expressed dissatisfaction with the claims made by his agency, Gold Medalist, stating that they had not been in a relationship for the past three years, and demanded a retraction of these statements made just three days prior.

Furthermore, the family requested recognition of Kim Sae-ron's contributions as a founding member of the agency and an apology regarding a claim for 700 million won that was made against her. They clarified that mentioning Kim Soo-hyun was intended to focus on addressing cyberbullying and that they seek nothing but an official apology from his agency.

The family also plans to file a complaint against a person named Lee Jin-ho next week and is asking for a sincere public apology from him. They expressed their discomfort over Lee's actions during their mourning period, which they felt were mocking rather than fact-checking.

In response, Gold Medalist confirmed that the photos released by 가세연 were taken on December 14, 2019, and emphasized that there is no justification for the indiscriminate release of private images. They expressed sympathy for Kim Sae-ron's mother, acknowledging the profound pain she has experienced since her daughter's passing, and stated that they would like to meet with her to provide further explanations regarding the situation.

The agency also noted that while they empathize with the concerns raised by Kim Sae-ron's mother, there are differing views on some of her claims, and they believe that public disputes would not honor the memory of the deceased. They encouraged her to reach out to their office for a discussion.

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