Infinitive -다
It’s time for us to dive into a big part of the Korean grammar: dealing with verbs and their conjugation.
To start simple, let’s see what is the infinitive form of Korean verbs, meaning their non-conjugated form. Then we will learn to conjugate them step by step
In Korean, the infinitive form of a verb is relatively straightforward to identify due to its consistent ending.
Here’s how you can recognize it: the infinitive form of Korean verbs always ends with 다. This is a clear indicator that the verb is in its base or dictionary form.
Here’s a list of very common verbs:
- 가다To go
- 오다To come
- 먹다To eat
- 마시다To drink
- 하다To do
- 보다To see
- 듣다To listen
- 자다To sleep
- 좋아하다To like
- 있다 / 없다To (not) have / to (not) exist
N을/를 V하다 - to do
You saw above that the verb 하다 means “to do”. There are many verbs build by combining noun + 하다
Originally they are in the form of N을/를 + 하다.
For example :
- 요리를 하다To do “cooking”
- 공부를 하다To do "study"
- 일을 하다To do "work"
- 노래를 하다To do "song" → to sing
- 청소를 하다To do (house) cleaning
- 말을 하다To do "speaking"
- 운동을 하다To do “exercise”
- 쇼핑을 하다To do “shopping”
- 이야기를 하다To do “talk”
- 산책을 하다To do a "walk"
The 을/를 particle is used to mark the direct object of a sentence.
It indicates the thing or person that is directly affected by the action of the verb.
If is placed next to a noun: if the noun ends with a consonant it’s 을, if it's a vowel it’s 를.
In this list, every characters that you see before the 을/를 particle form a noun. For example: 노래 is a song and 운동 is a noun for “exercice”.
However, these verbs can also be written as a single word in order to form a verb.
If we take a previous example, “to study” can be written as 공부를 하다 (“to do studies”) and also as 공부하다 (to sudy) here’s some other examples:
- 요리하다To cook
- 공부하다To study
- 일하다To work
- 노래하다To to sing
- 청소하다To do (house) cleaning
- 말하다To do speak
- 운동하다To exercise
- 쇼핑하다To go shopping
- 이야기하다To talk
- 산책하다To go for a walk
Even though this form is more natural in english, you have to keep in mind that the previous form is also grammatically correct.
With practice, you will notice that in real life situation some verbs are actually more used in the form V-하다 than N-을/를 하다.
For example, you will almost never hear 일을 하다!
Luckily now, and that’s why we started with these verbs, knowing how to conjugate 하다 by itself will make you able to conjugate a lot of words right away!
You will start to learn that conjugation in Korean is basically replacing or adding different particles around words.
In the case of verbs and the use of present tense, it consists mostly in replacing their suffix particle with another particle.
In the cases of verbs ending with 하다, it’s very consistent and clear: you only have to replace 하다 with 해요.
- 요리해요
- 공부해요
- 일해요
- 노래해요
- 청소해요
- 말해요
- 운동해요
- 쇼핑해요
- 이야기해요
- 산책해요